15 Key Questions You Should Ask Before Buying a Property

  1. What is the neighbourhood like? Is there anything that could affect the value of this home in the future?
  2. What are the prices of comparable homes that have sold recently?
  3. What are the realty taxes on the home?
  4. What are the utility costs? (Union Gas went up almost 30% this past summer)
  5. Schools, shopping, church & recreational facilities?
  6. How close is Public Transit?
  7. What home repairs/improvements have been made?
  8. How old is the roof, furnace and the air conditioning system?
  9. Any water or drainage problems; spring runoff or after a heavy rain?
  10. Does the basement show any signs of moisture?
  11. Is there a recent survey? Who owns the fence?
  12. Did the property have a home inspection done when the present owners bought it? Does the vendor have a list of any problems or issues that were fixed?
  13. Is there any important information in the disclosure document (SPIS)?
  14. Are there any utility easements or encroachments on the property?
  15. Are there any environmental concerns within the surrounding area?
This helpful home buying advice is brought to you by Link 2 Realty in London Ontario Canada.  Link 2 Realty provides Real Estate Services to London Ontario & Surrounding Area.  If you are searching for a property use Link 2 Realty's MLS property search to look at Elgin County, Middlesex County, St. Thomas, Tillsonburg and London Ontario homes for sale.